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Wild Craft of the Month - Bramble Jelly

Bramble Jelly

One of the most beautiful, delicate and delicious of preserves, and
very easy to make. A mix of other hedgerow berries could also be
added in, Damsons, Bullace, Elderberries, Sloes… to make Hedgerow
Jelly. Foraging at this time of year is wonderfully rewarding, and the
Blackberries this year are amazingly abundant.
1kg of Blackberries
1kg Crab Apples or Bramley Apples
900g granulated sugar
Gather wild Blackberries from a clean hedgerow away from cars. Pick
them over and give them a rinse, likewise pick over Crab Apples or
chop Bramley Apples and rinse, no need to core/peel them. Place in
saucepan with approx. 1.2 litres of water and simmer gently until
they are completely soft.
Put a square of muslin over a bowl and pour in the cooked fruit,
gather the edges of the muslin and tie up with string and then hang
the fruit over the bowl. Let the fruit juice slowly drip through, but
resist squeezing or the jelly will be cloudy. This could take several
hours or overnight.
Measure the juice into a large pan, it will be approx 1.2litres, and add
the sugar. Simmer and stir until the sugar dissolves and then boil
without stirring for 8-10 mins. Test on a saucer for the set. Quickly
pour into warm jars and label.