Wild Medicine Flower Essences invite you to try the natural medicine of wild nature:~ Enjoy natural healing from the wild flowers and plants. Enhance the wellbeing of you and your family. Choose an Essence as a gift for your friends. Have an Essence combination made up especially for you.

Flower of the Month

Flower of the Month

Made from Wild Roses with Rosehips, and Red Rose. Joy, Simplicity and Love. When we are weary, or experiencing lack of joy and inner peace, Wild Rose blesses us...

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Wild Craft of the Month - Bramble Jelly

Wild Craft of the Month - Bramble Jelly

One of the most beautiful, delicate and delicious of preserves, and very easy to make. A mix of other hedgerow berries could also be added in, Damsons, Bullace, Elderberries, Sloes...

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Tree of the Month - Alder

Tree of the Month - Alder

Magical, a Faery Tree, protective and Loving

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