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Wild Craft of the Month - Hawthorn Tea

Hawthorn TeaIn May we harvested Hawthorn Flowers and Leaves to dry for Tea, and today we harvest Hawthorn Berries to dry and add in to the mix making a Total Heart Tea for the winter.The Haws are amazingly and beautifully abundant this Autumn, as was the...

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Wild Craft - Elderberry Tincture

One of the most beautiful powerful and useful tinctures to have at hand, and so easy to make. Pick wild Elderberries from a clean hedgerow away from cars. Strip berries off the stem with a fork into a colander, and check over the Elderberries discardin...

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Our Sacred Tree Range

We love our Tree Essences so much and have now created our Sacred Tree range especially for them. The Sacred Tree Essences are co-created with wild trees found in the natural landscape, and made with deep respect and acknowledgement for their anc...

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Family Essences

Family Essences   Wild Medicine Family Essences are a perfect support for family life. Our Divine range works with couples planning to conceive and supports them through conception, pregnancy and birth. Family life is joyous, but can b...

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Welcome to our new Website!

We are delighted that our new website is up and ready with a much more integrated interface so that we can share our latest news and Essence making. Excitingly, this also coincides with the Essences coming back to being based in Glastonbury ~ so lots h...

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Launching our new Essence Ranges

In September 2010 we made the first Glastonbury Zodiac Essence. It was Virgo and we made it on the Fosse Way with Nicki, Casey, Sophie and Bahli ~ Casey's wonderful Mum. Angel clouds appeared in the skies and we were overcome with the abundance of...

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Equinox 2009 Price changes.

We have recently been guided to change the prices of the Essences to represent their quality and integrity. The new prices are Single Stocks £8.95, Combination Essences £11.95, Aura Sprays £14.95. We offer discounts to practitioners.

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Fruits and Roots 2013

A workshop to connect with the wisdom and abundance of nature at Chalice Well, Glastonbury from 18-20 October 2013.

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We've moved !

We have relocated to a beautiful new premises, where our office is now based and the bottling of Wild Medicine Flower Essences will continue in the same loving and respectful way as ever. We will continue to make Essences in Avalon. We are currently wo...

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Co-creating with Nature ~ Fruits and Roots

Book now for next year's Sacred Plant Medicine Retreat at Chalice Well. New participants and returning plant medicine friends can expect a further deepening of connection through the fruits and roots with the Divine Spirit of plants.

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Sacred Planetary Essences!

It has long been our vision at Wild Medicine to extend our Essence range to include Sacred Power Centres around the Planet. Within this range we already have the Egg Stone of Glastonbury Tor and Uluru in Australia. While in Egypt last month I was bless...

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October Nature News

It is very mild and on Saturday I helped a toad across the road ! Did he think it is Spring ? In the hedgerows perfect pink Bramble Blossom is coming out, which it does periodically all summer, but this is late indeed... On walks, the Old Mans Beard ha...

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Equinox Harvest - Elderberry

On an exquisitely sunny morning this Equinox we met at magical Apple Valley in Avalon. We gathered sloes, hazel, elderberry, blackberry and wild apple and settled down to create the Essences. First we placed Elderberry in the bowl and immediately we we...

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Sacred Plant Medicine Retreat

This workshop included learning to make and work with Flower Essences, Healing Herbs, Sacred Wand Making,Wild Foods, Earth Ceremony, Journalling and Sharing Circles. This was a sell-out; 19 people came together to explore the devic wisdom of plants. The...

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Whistman's Wood, Dartmoor - Beltane 2008

Whistman's Wood is a remnant of ancient oak woodland on Dartmoor. It is an amazing fusion of boulders,moss, lichen, ferns and trees - all entangled and thriving. Utterly in its own integrity.We made an Essence here full of the sanctity of Nature...

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