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Wild Craft of the Month - Roses
This is the time of year when its perfect to dry Rose Petals. They are a beautiful addition to Chamomile or Lemon Balm for tisanes.
Choose the Roses with the richest perfume ( I use Munstead Wood), usually the dark velvet red ones, and pick when perfectly open.
They don’t have to be the biggest blooms as smaller petals dry more quickly, it is warm at this time of year and they dry very easily. Simply hold the base of the Rose and pull the petals off in one go. Spread them loosely over a couple of sheets of kitchen paper and leave to dry which they will do in 24- 48 hours and still smell heavenly. Store in a clean jar, and add to other herbs for tea. It’s so lovely to add a taste of Rosy Summer Lovingness to our infusions throughout the year.
the first little Wild food offerings can be found. A small and precious medicine. Cleavers, Ransoms, Dandelion leaves and Hawthorn leaf buds can often be seen now, as well as Primroses, Violets and herbs such as Chives, Marjoram and Buckler’s Sorrel.
These are not the abundant crops that can later be foraged and stored, but baby leaves and flowers rich with promise, even a few tiny leaves and a couple of flowers can make a welcome addition to our salads. They are homeopathic dose of the life force of Spring just bursting through, and our bodies are craving this.